provides a powerful platform for automating workflows between various applications. By integrating with your Millis AI agent using webhooks, you can automate tasks, fetch data, and more, enriching the conversational experience.

Steps to Utilize Function Calls with

Step 1: Create a Scenario in

  1. Log in to your account and navigate to the dashboard.
  2. Create a new Scenario by clicking on the “+” or “Create a new scenario” button.
  3. Search for and select the Webhooks module to add it as the first component of your scenario. Choose ‘Custom Webhook’ as the trigger.
  4. Set up the webhook by naming it and saving the automatically generated webhook URL. You will need this URL to configure the function call in Millis AI. Integrate Step 1
  5. Add another module following the Webhook trigger. This module should perform the necessary actions or fetch data as required.
  6. Add a webhook response module if needed, to format the data or action outcomes to be sent back to the Millis AI voice agent. Integrate Step 2

Step 2: Configure the Function Call in Millis AI

  1. Log into your Millis AI dashboard and select the voice agent you wish to configure.
  2. Navigate to the function setup area and create a new function call:
  "name": "fetchPricingData",
  "description": "Retrieves the latest information about pricing",
  "webhook": "",
  "header": {},
  "params": [
    // any params needed

Replace with the webhook URL you obtained from