
Install the SDK with npm:

npm install @millisai/web-sdk


Here’s how to quickly set up a voice agent in your web application:

1. Import the SDK:

import Millis from '@millisai/web-sdk';

2. Initialize the Client:

const msClient = Millis.createClient({publicKey: 'your_public_key'});

Obtain your public key from your Millis AI Playground

3. Start a Conversation:

Using a Predefined Agent

First, create a voice agent from the Playground. Then, start a conversation with your agent using the following code:


Replace ‘agent-id’ with the ID of your agent obtained from the Playground.

Dynamically Creating a Temporary Voice Agent

You can also dynamically create a temporary voice agent with custom configurations using the code below:

  prompt: "You're a helpful assistant.", // Example prompt
  voice: {
    provider: "elevenlabs", // Voice provider
    name: "voice-id" // Replace 'voice-id' with the ID of the desired voice
  tools: ["list of function calls"] // Replace with actual function calls you need

4. Stop a Conversation:


5. Setup event listener:

    msClient.on("onopen", () => {
      // When the client connected to the server

    msClient.on("onready", () => {
      // When the conversation is ready 

    msClient.on("onaudio", (audio: Uint8Array) => {
      // Incoming audio chunk

    msClient.on("analyzer", (analyzer: AnalyserNode) => {
      // AnalyserNode that you can use for audio animation

    msClient.on("onclose", (event) => {
      // When the connection is closed

    msClient.on("onerror", (error) => {
      // An error occurred


If you encounter any issues or have questions, please reach out to us directly at