
Millis AI supports WebRTC integration, allowing users to connect their audio sources directly to Millis agents via WebRTC. This integration is ideal for a variety of applications, including:

  • Phone systems with WebRTC capabilities
  • Voice agents in video conferencing platforms (e.g., Zoom, Google Meet) to interact with participants via voice
  • VoIP systems that leverage WebRTC for real-time communication

Millis AI enables users to build intelligent voice agents that can join these platforms, engage in conversations, and assist participants via voice interactions.


To connect your phone system, video conferencing platform, or VoIP solution to Millis AI via WebRTC, ensure that:

  1. Your system supports WebRTC for audio transmission.
  2. You have a valid agent_id to route calls or streams to the correct Millis agent.
  3. You have a private key for authenticating requests to Millis.

API Endpoint

To initiate a WebRTC session, your system sends a WebRTC offer to Millis through the following API endpoint:

POST /webrtc/offer

This API is used to send the WebRTC offer to Millis, where it will be processed, and a WebRTC answer will be returned to complete the connection.

Request Headers:

  • Authorization: Bearer token containing the private key to authenticate the request.
  • Content-Type: application/json

Request Body:

The request body contains the following fields:

agent_idStringThe ID of the Millis agent to handle the call or stream.
offerObjectThe WebRTC offer details, containing sdp and type.

offer Object:

sdpStringThe WebRTC offer’s session description protocol (SDP).
typeStringType of the WebRTC request (typically “offer”).

Example Request:

  "agent_id": "123456",
  "offer": {
    "sdp": "v=0\no=- 2566784789543948235 2 IN IP4",
    "type": "offer"

Example cURL Command:

curl -X POST https://api-west.millis.ai/webrtc/offer \
  -H "Authorization: <your-private-key-here>" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{
    "agent_id": "123456",
    "offer": {
      "sdp": "v=0\no=- 2566784789543948235 2 IN IP4",
      "type": "offer"


If the offer is valid, the API will respond with a WebRTC answer that can be used to complete the connection between your system and Millis.

Example Response:

  "answer": {
    "sdp": "v=0\no=- 9876543210987654321 2 IN IP4",
    "type": "answer"

Establish connection and start streaming:

  1. Set the Remote Description: Use the sdp from the answer to set the remote description on your WebRTC client.

    • Example (JavaScript/WebRTC):
      peerConnection.setRemoteDescription(new RTCSessionDescription({
        type: 'answer',
        sdp: 'v=0\no=- 9876543210987654321 2 IN IP4'
  2. Complete ICE Candidate Exchange: Ensure that ICE candidates are exchanged between your client and Millis to establish the media path.

  3. Start Media Transmission: After completing SDP and ICE negotiations, audio will start flowing between your system and the Millis agent.

Use Cases

1. Phone Systems with SIP and WebRTC

  • Route incoming calls from DID numbers through Millis AI for real-time voice interaction, using WebRTC for media transmission.

2. Voice Agents in Video Conferencing Tools

  • Connect voice agents to video conferencing platforms such as Zoom, Google Meet, and others. The voice agent can join calls and engage in real-time audio conversations with participants, providing support, answering questions, or automating workflows.

3. Connecting Agents to Virtual Rooms

  • Millis agents can be connected to virtual communication rooms via WebRTC, interacting with users in the room to provide assistance, answer questions, or drive conversations through audio.